Within the bank and finance sector, staff uniforms play an important part in communicating an organisation’s public image. At Tailored Image, we understand how essential it is to have top quality, fashionable uniforms that ensure your staff look smart, trustworthy and professional.
Our experience extends from banking corporations through building societies and credit unions to insurance companies. From designers through to account management, our staff understand the need for a strong corporate approach for the finance sector.
Our talented and experienced in-house design team will work with you to understand your brand values and the image that you want to portray. They will provide you with a uniform solution that is unique to your organisation and requirements.
We are experts in providing our banking and finance clients with corporate wardrobe solutions that range from offering fully bespoke garments, through customising off the shelf garments to stock supported items.
A dedicated Account Manager will be appointed to look after you. Working with you from the outset, they will provide you with expert advice to ensure that the uniform procurement for your bank or finance organisation runs smoothly and efficiently. They will guide you through the entire process from design conception, through wearer trialling to manufacture, stock management and uniform roll out.
You may choose to avail of our on-line uniform management system. We designed this award winning system to help you manage every aspect of your uniform program, from monitoring stock levels to forecasting and planning future orders.