Organisations spend millions on creating new logos, commissioning architects and interior designers to come up with the latest in furniture, wall coverings and soft furnishings. However, very often the important issue of how employees are going to look is left to the last minute.
In customer-facing businesses, the staff are a living window to your brand and should reflect and communicate your brand values. When planning for future changes in corporate identity, it is wise to address how effectively your employees will be an extension of your brand. Great uniform design also influences how your staff feel at work and can make or break corporate culture.
Employees are emotionally connected to their uniform and
what they wear helps them identify with the brand on a different level.
Naturally, if staff feel comfortable and a sense of pride in how they look then
it’s going to have a positive effect on how they interact with both colleagues
and customers. Place them in uncomfortable or dowdy uniforms and the opposite
reaction is a real possibility.
Clayton Hotel Hospitality Uniform makes their brand easily recognisable
It’s often tempting to follow fashion trends with your uniform, and this may help attract short-term attention. However, since trends can change so quickly, you put your brand identity at risk by following them. The key to great uniform design is a brand connection, a well thought out uniform that will not only portray your brand ID but that will complement the environment and the wearers in a timeless manner. Don’t forget, you are dressing real people, not model figures; all ages, shapes and sizes.
Modern Tyres uniform showcases their brand and comfort for wearers
In companies where uniform is an after-thought, it is unlikely that wearers are consulted with effectively to deliver a practical solution that closes the gap between corporate branding and customer experience. Great brands go to great lengths to close these gaps, motivating staff and adding value to the all important customer.
A great uniform can clarify the essence of your brand by subtly projecting its mood; be it welcoming, trustworthy, knowledgeable, sporting etc. Do this successfully and your uniform can help build a brand platform, adding a competitive advantage whilst supporting your brand’s values.
Coca-Cola’s uniform mirrors a strong, trustworthy brand
It’s also important to remember that people care about
issues such as sustainable supply and ethical sourcing, so a well-planned
uniform policy can make a strong statement about the company’s culture and its
ethos in society.
Finally, find a great uniform partner with the insight and processes to deliver on all these points, so choose wisely on the basis of their sensitivity and ability to your brand’s vision.
To talk to us about becoming your uniform partner, contact us today.